Class: ThreadManagementPolicy


new ThreadManagementPolicy()

manage policy for common thread management actions

var policy = new ThreadManagementPolicy({

    // objects:
    v : v, // Variables object
    bb: bb, // BulletinBoard object
    mod_team_bb: bb, // BulletinBoard object for the moderation team
    mc: mc, // MiscellaneousCache object
    vi: vi, // Violations object

    // configuration:
    thread_id     : 1234,
    thread_desc   : 'thread description',
    loading_html  : 'loading, please wait...',
    user          : { username: 'thread creator username', user_id: 12345 }
    callback: function( action, summary, template, has_post, has_pm ) { ... };

    // widget placement:
        post_selector_args: { container: $(    '.post_selector_container') },
          pm_selector_args: { container: $(      '.pm_selector_container') },
    template_selector_args: { container: $('.template_selector_container') }
     message_selector_args: { container: $( '.message_selector_container') }


unmerge_action(bb, mod_team_bb, v, unmerge_data){Action}

build an action to unmerge a thread

Name Type Description
bb BulletinBoard Bulletin Board to manipulate
mod_team_bb BulletinBoard Bulletin Board to manipulate
v Variables Variables to use
unmerge_data Object 'merge data' created during merging
Type Description