new Dashboard()
Dashboard displaying miscellaneous real-time information
Dashboards display information about the bulletin board you're on.
Currently supported: 'thread', 'forum', 'mod_queue' and 'newbies'.
Most configuration is done through the HTML in the "container" parameter.
Elements with class "dashboard-header" have the dashboard header inserted.
Elements with class "dashboard-section" are set to dashboard sections (based on their "data-monitor" parameter)
Elements with class "dashboard-body" within "dashboard-section" receive the contents of the section
Elements with class "dashboard-refresh" will trigger a refresh of the current section when clicked
Elements with class "dashboard-done" are treated as buttons to (un)mark a section done
Section elements have classes "loading", "empty", "nonempty", "done" and "undone" set as appropriate.
Section elements can have a 'bb' data item if they need to access a different bulletin board
var dashboard = new Dashboard({
cache : { ... }, // values previously passed to cache, or an empty object on first run
cache_updater : function(cache) { ... }, // save object to pass in next time
container : $(...), // element containing dashboard content
interval : 60000 // each monitor will be polled once per this many milliseconds
inherited abstractrefresh(args){jQuery.Promise}
Reload the cached values
Name Type Description args
Object cacheable arguments (as passed to Cacheable()) Returns:
Type Description jQuery.Promise promise that will return when the cache has been refreshed -
inherited update_cache()
Update this.cache using the passed cache_updater() callback