Class: Dashboard


new Dashboard()

Dashboard displaying miscellaneous real-time information

Dashboards display information about the bulletin board you're on. Currently supported: 'thread', 'forum', 'mod_queue' and 'newbies'. Most configuration is done through the HTML in the "container" parameter. Elements with class "dashboard-header" have the dashboard header inserted. Elements with class "dashboard-section" are set to dashboard sections (based on their "data-monitor" parameter) Elements with class "dashboard-body" within "dashboard-section" receive the contents of the section Elements with class "dashboard-refresh" will trigger a refresh of the current section when clicked Elements with class "dashboard-done" are treated as buttons to (un)mark a section done Section elements have classes "loading", "empty", "nonempty", "done" and "undone" set as appropriate. Section elements can have a 'bb' data item if they need to access a different bulletin board
var dashboard = new Dashboard({
    cache             : { ... }, // values previously passed to cache, or an empty object on first run
    cache_updater     : function(cache) { ... }, // save object to pass in next time
    container         : $(...), // element containing dashboard content
    interval          : 60000   // each monitor will be polled once per this many milliseconds



inherited abstractrefresh(args){jQuery.Promise}

Reload the cached values
Name Type Description
args Object cacheable arguments (as passed to Cacheable())
Type Description
jQuery.Promise promise that will return when the cache has been refreshed
Update this.cache using the passed cache_updater() callback