* @file manage policy for common thread management actions
* @author Andrew Sayers
* This file defines thread management policy in the abstract,
* but sadly needs to be tightly coupled to the interface.
* @summary manage policy for common thread management actions
* @constructor
* @example
* var policy = new ThreadManagementPolicy({
* // objects:
* v : v, // Variables object
* bb: bb, // BulletinBoard object
* mod_team_bb: bb, // BulletinBoard object for the moderation team
* mc: mc, // MiscellaneousCache object
* vi: vi, // Violations object
* // configuration:
* thread_id : 1234,
* thread_desc : 'thread description',
* loading_html : 'loading, please wait...',
* user : { username: 'thread creator username', user_id: 12345 }
* callback: function( action, summary, template, has_post, has_pm ) { ... };
* // widget placement:
* post_selector_args: { container: $( '.post_selector_container') },
* pm_selector_args: { container: $( '.pm_selector_container') },
* template_selector_args: { container: $('.template_selector_container') }
* message_selector_args: { container: $( '.message_selector_container') }
* });
function ThreadManagementPolicy(args) {
Policy.call( this, args );
var policy = this;
var action_data = {
thread: { thread_id: args.thread_id, thread_desc: args.thread_desc, forum_id: args.forum_id },
template: 'no template'
var variable_suffix = [action_data.template];
this.variable_suffix = variable_suffix;
var forum_has_icons;
var unmerge_data;
var macro_defaults = { template: 'no template' };
var recent_macros = new RecentList({ ss: args.ss, name: 'recent thread management macros', });
var thread_creator = this.user = {
is_target: true,
username: args.first_post.username,
user_id : args.first_post.user_id
this.default_keys = [
{ type: 'thread' , name: 'old thread' , value: { thread_id: args.thread_id, thread_desc: args.thread_desc } },
{ type: 'thread' , name: 'new thread' , value: { thread_id: args.thread_id, thread_desc: args.thread_desc } },
{ type: 'forum' , name: 'old forum' , value: { forum_id: args. forum_id, forum_desc: args. forum_desc } },
{ type: 'forum' , name: 'new forum' , value: { forum_id: args. forum_id, forum_desc: args. forum_desc } },
{ type: 'literal' , name: 'new prefix' , value: '' },
{ type: 'image' , name: 'new icon' , value: '' },
{ type: 'literal' , name: 'user-friendly description of actions', value: '' },
{ type: 'literal' , name: 'mod-friendly description of actions', value: '' },
{ type: 'username' , name: 'username' , value: thread_creator },
{ type: 'username' , name: 'thread creator' , value: thread_creator },
{ type: 'literal' , name: 'mod team user id', value: args.mod_team_user.user_id },
{ type: 'literal' , name: 'first post id' , value: args.first_post.post_id },
{ type: 'action data', name: 'action data' , value: action_data },
{ type: 'literal' , name: 'template' , value: 'no template' }
var original, metadata;
function callback_timeout() {
cb_timeout = null;
var actions = [];
var has_post = message_selector.find('[name="post"]').prop('checked');
var has_pm = message_selector.find('[name="pm"]' ).prop('checked');
if ( status_widget.val() == 'merged' ) { // Merging is a completely different process to everything else
var merge_post_id;
var edit_action = new Action( 'close thread', {
fire: function(keys) {
var destination_thread = title_widget.val();
post.thread_id = destination_thread.target_thread_id;
action_data.destination_thread = destination_thread = {
thread_id: destination_thread.target_thread_id,
thread_desc: destination_thread.target_thread_desc,
forum_id: destination_thread.target_forum_id
post.bb = args.mod_team_bb; // merge posts are always sent from the mod account, so they can be searched for
return args.bb.thread_edit({
thread_id : args.thread_id,
title : args.thread_desc,
notes : policy.resolve('edit notes', keys ),
close_thread: true
}).then(function(html) { // Get information from the closed thread
return args.bb.thread_posts( args.thread_id, html ).then(function (posts) {
var return_keys = {
'list of posts in merged thread':
'[TABLE="class: outer_border"]\n' +
'[TR][TH]Post #[/TH][TH]author[/TH][TH]summary[/TH][/TR]\n' +
posts.map(function(post, index) {
return (
'[TR][TD][center][post=' + post.post_id + ']#' + (index+1) + '[/post][/center][/TD][TD]' +
'[URL="' + location.origin + args.bb.url_for.user_show({ user_id: post.user_id }) + '"]' + post.username + '[/URL][/TD][TD]' +
args.bb.post_summary(post) + '[/TD][/TR]\n'
}).join('') +
'merge data': args.bb.stringify( 'merge data', {
date: new Date().getTime(),
source_thread: unmerge_data,
destination_thread: destination_thread,
posts: posts.map(function(post) { return post.post_id })
post.add_known_keys( return_keys );
pm .add_known_keys( return_keys );
return { keys: return_keys };
description: function() {
return [
type: 'change thread status',
target: { thread_id: args.thread_id, thread_desc: args.thread_desc, forum_id: args.forum_id }
blockers: function() {
if ( !title_widget.val().target_thread_id ) return [ 'Please select a valid merge target' ];
var log_action = new Action( 'post in merge log', {
fire: function(keys) {
return args.bb.thread_reply({ // Notify/save all posts in thread
thread_id: args.v.resolve('frequently used posts/threads', 'merge log'),
title : policy.resolve('merge title' , keys),
bbcode : policy.resolve('merge bbcode', keys)
}).then(function(post_id) {
merge_post_id = action_data.merge_log_post_id = post_id;
return { keys: { 'merge log post id': merge_post_id } };
description: function() {
var destination_thread = title_widget.val();
destination_thread = {
thread_id: destination_thread.target_thread_id,
thread_desc: destination_thread.target_thread_desc,
forum_id: destination_thread.target_forum_id
return [
type: 'post',
target: {
thread_desc: 'the merge log',
thread_id : args.v.resolve('frequently used posts/threads', 'merge log'),
post_id : merge_post_id
var merge_action = new Action( 'merge threads', {
fire: function(keys) {
var destination_thread = title_widget.val();
return args.bb.thread_merge({
forum_id : destination_thread.target_forum_id,
thread_ids: [ destination_thread.target_thread_id, args.thread_id ],
description: function() {
var destination_thread = title_widget.val();
destination_thread = {
thread_id: destination_thread.target_thread_id,
thread_desc: destination_thread.target_thread_desc,
forum_id: destination_thread.target_forum_id
return [
type: 'merge threads',
source_thread: { thread_id: args.thread_id, thread_desc: args.thread_desc, forum_id: args.forum_id },
thread_creator: { username: args.first_post.username, user_id : args.first_post.user_id },
destination_thread: destination_thread
actions[0] = new Action( 'merge wrapper', edit_action.then(log_action.then(merge_action)) )
policy.default_keys[7].value = ['merge'];
if ( has_pm ) {
pm .val( policy.notification_selector_args({ html: 'PM', type: 'PM' }) );
actions[0].then( policy.notification_selector_action(pm ) );
if ( has_post ) {
post.val( policy.notification_selector_args({ html: 'post', type: 'post' }) );
actions[0].then( policy.notification_selector_action(post) );
} else {
var edit_actions = [],
userfriendly_description = [],
edit_target = { thread_id: args.thread_id, thread_desc: args.thread_desc, forum_id: args.forum_id }
if ( status_widget.val() != original.status ) {
var status = status_widget.val();
if ( status == 'closed temporarily' ) {
action_data.deadline = status_widget.find('option:selected').data('deadline');
var thread_id = args.v.resolve('frequently used posts/threads', 'Moderation Chase-Up Thread' );
var post_id;
actions.push( new Action( 'chase-up post', {
fire: function(keys) {
return args.bb.thread_reply({
thread_id: thread_id,
title : policy.resolve( 'deadline post title' , keys ),
bbcode : policy.resolve( 'deadline post bbcode', keys ),
}).then(function(_post_id) {
action_data.chaseup_post_id = post_id = _post_id;
return { keys: {
'chase-up post id': post_id,
'extra actions' : '[post=' + post_id + ']replied to the chase-up thread[/post]'
description: function() { // description
return [{
type: 'post',
target: {
thread_desc: 'the chase-up thread',
thread_id : thread_id,
post_id : post_id
edit_actions.push( { type: 'change thread status', target: edit_target } );
variable_suffix.push('change status', status);
userfriendly_description.push('{{'+policy._namespace+': change status: ' + status + '}}');
if ( (prefix_widget.val()||'') != original.prefix ) {
edit_actions.push( { type: 'change thread prefix', target: edit_target } );
variable_suffix.push('change prefix');
userfriendly_description.push('{{'+policy._namespace+': change prefix}}');
if ( forum_has_icons && icon_widget.getSelectedIndex() != original.icon ) {
edit_actions.push( { type: 'change thread icon', target: edit_target } );
variable_suffix.push('change icon');
userfriendly_description.push('{{'+policy._namespace+': change icon}}');
if ( forum_widget.val() != original.forum_id ) {
variable_suffix.push('change forum');
userfriendly_description.push('{{'+policy._namespace+': change forum}}');
if ( title_widget.val().thread_desc != original.title.thread_desc ) {
variable_suffix.push('change title');
userfriendly_description.push('{{'+policy._namespace+': change title}}');
actions.push( new Action(
'move thread',
fire: function(keys) {
var option = forum_widget.find(':selected');
action_data.destination_forum_id = option.val();
return args.bb.thread_move({
thread_id : args.thread_id,
title: title_widget.val().thread_desc,
redirect_title: original.title.thread_desc,
forum_id : option.val(),
redirect : parse_duration( policy.resolve( 'redirect deadline', keys ) )
description: function() {
var option = forum_widget.find(':selected');
var change_forum = {
type: 'change thread forum',
target: $.extend({
forum_id: option.val(),
forum_desc: option.text()
}, edit_target )
if ( title_widget.val().thread_desc == original.title.thread_desc )
return [change_forum];
return [
{ type: 'change thread title', target: edit_target }
blockers: function() {
if ( !forum_widget.val() ) return [ 'Please select a target forum' ];
} else if ( title_widget.val().thread_desc != original.title.thread_desc ) {
// we can retitle a thread at the same time as moving it
edit_actions.push( { type: 'change thread title', target: edit_target } );
variable_suffix.push('change title');
userfriendly_description.push('{{'+policy._namespace+': change title}}');
policy.default_keys[6].value = userfriendly_description;
policy.default_keys[7].value = userfriendly_description
.map(function(d) { return d.replace(/{{'+policy._namespace+': (.*)}}/, '$1') });
if ( edit_actions.length )
actions.push( new Action(
'edit thread',
fire: function(keys) {
var edit_info = action_data.edit_info = {
thread_id : args.thread_id,
title : title_widget.val().thread_desc,
notes : policy.resolve('edit notes', keys ),
icon_id : forum_has_icons ? icon_widget.getSelectedValue() : undefined,
prefix_id : prefix_widget.val(),
close_thread : status_widget.val() == 'closed' || status_widget.val() == 'closed temporarily',
unapprove_thread: status_widget.val() == 'moderated',
delete_thread : status_widget.val() == 'deleted',
delete_reason : policy.resolve('delete reason', keys ),
return args.bb.thread_edit(edit_info);
description: function() {
return edit_actions;
// need to do this before building the messages...
var bump_value = bump_selector.find(':checked').val();
//if ( bump_value ) variable_suffix.push(bump_value); // informing users about this would only cause problems
if ( has_pm ) {
pm .val( policy.notification_selector_args({ html: 'PM', type: 'PM' }) );
actions.push( policy.notification_selector_action(pm ) );
if ( has_post ) {
post.val( policy.notification_selector_args({ html: 'post', type: 'post' }) );
actions.push( policy.notification_selector_action(post) );
// ... but de-bumping must happen *after* any post action bumps the thread
switch ( bump_value ) {
case 'bump':
if ( !has_post ) {
// bumping is redundant if you reply to a thread
actions.push( new Action(
'bump thread',
fire: function(keys) { return args.bb.thread_bump(args.thread_id) },
description: function() {
return [{ type: 'bump thread', target: edit_target }];
case 'debump':
var debump_action = new Action(
'debump thread',
fire: function(keys) { return args.bb.thread_debump(args.thread_id) },
description: function() {
return [{ type: 'debump thread', target: edit_target }];
if ( has_post )
actions[actions.length-1].then( debump_action );
case '': // nothing to do
if ( has_pm ) policy.default_keys[7].value.push('PM');
if ( has_post ) policy.default_keys[7].value.push('reply');
policy.default_keys[7].value = policy.default_keys[7].value.join('; ');
if ( macro_defaults.template && policy.check( [ 'macro' ].concat(variable_suffix) ) ) {
var macro_values = { template: macro_defaults.template };
switch ( status_widget.val() ) {
case 'closed temporarily':
var deadline = status_widget.find('option:selected').data('deadline');
if ( (macro_defaults.deadline||'') != deadline ) {
macro_values.status = 'closed temporarily';
macro_values.deadline = deadline;
case 'merged':
var target_thread_id = title_widget.val().target_thread_id;
if ( (macro_defaults.target_thread_id||NaN) != target_thread_id ) {
macro_values.status = 'merged';
macro_values.target_thread_id = target_thread_id;
case macro_defaults.status:
macro_values.status = status_widget.val();
if ( macro_defaults. forum_id != forum_widget.val() ) macro_values.forum_id = parseInt( forum_widget.val(), 10 );
if ( macro_defaults.prefix_id != (prefix_widget.val()||'') ) macro_values.prefix_id = prefix_widget.val()||'';
if ( macro_defaults. icon != icon_widget.getSelectedIndex() && forum_has_icons )
macro_values.icon = icon_widget.getSelectedIndex();
if ( macro_defaults.has_pm != has_pm ) macro_values.has_pm = has_pm ;
if ( macro_defaults.has_post != has_post ) macro_values.has_post = has_post;
if ( Object.keys(macro_values).length > 1 ) {
actions.push(new Action( 'register macro', {
fire: function(keys) {
macro_values.name = policy.resolve( [ 'macro' ].concat(variable_suffix), keys );
return recent_macros.push(macro_values);
if ( actions.length ) {
new Action(
'root action',
// this has to be split out from the notification actions because they're performed with the mod team account:
new Action( policy._namespace + ' wrapper', actions ).then(new Action( 'add usernote', {
fire: function(keys) {
var return_keys = {};
if ( !keys.hasOwnProperty( 'pm result') ) return_keys[ 'pm result'] = 'no action';
if ( !keys.hasOwnProperty('post result') ) return_keys['post result'] = 'no action';
$.extend( keys, return_keys );
return args.bb.usernote_add(
policy.resolve( 'combined note title' , keys ),
policy.resolve( 'combined note bbcode', keys )
).then(function() {
if ( keys['notification error' ] == 'fail' ) {
return $.Deferred()
.reject('Notification failed, but the error was postponed so we could add a usernote:\n' + error)
} else {
return { keys: return_keys };
description: function() {
return [{ type: 'usernote', target: thread_creator }];
'manage [thread=' + args.thread_id + ']' + args.thread_desc + '[/thread]',
has_post, has_pm,
status_widget.val() == 'merged' && sender_selector.find('input:checked').val() == 'personal'
} else {
args.callback( null, '', has_post, has_pm );
var cb_timeout, callback = (
? function() {
if ( cb_timeout ) clearTimeout(cb_timeout);
cb_timeout = setTimeout(callback_timeout, 0 );
: function() {}
var was_merged = false;
var status_widget = $(
'<select title="set the thread status">' +
'<option title="open the thread to replies from ordinary users" value="open">Open: </option>' +
this.resolve( 'close periods', {}, 'array of items' ).map(function(period) {
period = period.value.split(/\s*:\s*/, 2 );
return '<option title="close the thread and make a note to reopen it" value="closed temporarily" data-deadline="' + period[0] + '">' + period[1] + ': </options>';
}).join('') +
'<option title="permanently close the thread" value="closed" data-deadline="permanent">Closed: </option>' +
'<option title="merge this with the specified thread" value="merged">Merged with: </option>' +
'<option title="unapprove this thread" value="moderated">Moderated: </option>' +
'<option title="(soft-)delete this thread" value="deleted">Deleted: </option>' +
.change(function() {
if ( this.value == 'merged' ) {
forum_widget .prop( 'disabled', true );
prefix_widget .prop( 'disabled', true );
bump_selector.find('input').prop( 'disabled', true );
title_widget.val({ mode: 'merge', target_thread_id: null, target_thread_desc: '' });
was_merged = true;
} else {
if ( was_merged ) {
forum_widget .prop( 'disabled', false );
status_widget .prop( 'disabled', false );
bump_selector.find('input').prop( 'disabled', false );
title_widget.val({ mode: 'edit', target_thread_id: args.thread_id });
if ( metadata.prefixes.length ) {
prefix_widget.empty().show().append(metadata.prefixes.map(function(option) {
return $('<option>').val(option.prefix_id).text(option.text).prop( 'checked', option.checked );
} else {
args.icon_args.container.append('<span title="specify the thread icon" id="mod-friend-thread-metadata-icons"></span>' );
var icon_widget = new IconSelect('mod-friend-thread-metadata-icons', {
selectedIconWidth: 16,
selectedIconHeight: 16,
iconsWidth: 16,
iconsHeight: 16,
boxIconSpace: 0,
vectoralIconNumber: 3,
horizontalIconNumber: 5
var prefix_widget = $('<select title="specify the thread prefix"></select>').appendTo(args.prefix_args.container).hide();
prefix_widget.change(function() {
policy.default_keys[4].value = $( ':selected', this ).text();
var prev_title_thread_id = args.thread_id;
var title_widget = new ThreadTitleSelector($.extend({}, args, args.title_args, {
mode: 'edit',
callback: function(thread) {
if ( !forum_widget ) return; // skip during creation
if ( thread ) {
policy.default_keys[1].value = thread;
if ( prev_title_thread_id != thread.thread_id ) {
prev_title_thread_id = thread.thread_id;
forum_widget.val( thread.forum_id ).change();
} else {
policy.default_keys[1].value = { thread_id: args.thread_id, thread_desc: args.thread_desc, forum_id: args.forum_id };
forum_widget.val( args.forum_id ).change();
var forum_widget = $('<select title="move this thread to another forum" required><option value="">Please select a forum...</option></select>').appendTo(args.forum_args.container);
var forum_metadata = {}, stored_prefixes = {}, old_forum_id;
forum_widget.change(function() {
if ( !this.value ) return;
policy.default_keys[3].value.forum_id = this.value;
policy.default_keys[3].value.forum_desc = $( ':selected', this ).text().replace( /^\s+/, '' );
var old_prefix = stored_prefixes[old_forum_id] = prefix_widget.val();
var stored_prefix = stored_prefixes[this.value];
old_forum_id = this.value;
if ( !forum_metadata[this.value] ) forum_metadata[this.value] = args.bb.forum_metadata(this.value);
forum_metadata[this.value].then(function(forum_metadata) {
metadata = forum_metadata;
if ( forum_has_icons ) {
forum_has_icons = forum_metadata.icons.length;
if ( !forum_has_icons )
} else {
forum_has_icons = forum_metadata.icons.length;
if ( forum_has_icons ) {
var default_icon;
forum_metadata.icons.map(function(icon, index) {
if ( !icon.file ) default_icon = index;
return {
'iconFilePath': icon.file || '',
'iconValue': icon.icon_id
icon_widget.setSelectedIndex( ( original.icon == -1 ) ? default_icon : original.icon );
if ( forum_metadata.prefixes.length ) {
var has_old_prefix, has_stored_prefix;
prefix_widget.show().empty().append(forum_metadata.prefixes.map(function(option) {
if ( old_prefix && option.prefix_id == old_prefix ) has_old_prefix = true;
if ( stored_prefix && option.prefix_id == stored_prefix ) has_stored_prefix = true;
return $('<option>').val(option.prefix_id).text(option.text);
has_old_prefix ? old_prefix :
has_stored_prefix ? stored_prefix :
macro_defaults.prefix_id = prefix_widget.val()||'';
} else {
var post = new NotificationSelector(this.notification_selector_args(
{ html: 'post', type: 'post' },
{ known_keys: ['list of posts in merged thread'], key_prefix: 'post ' }
var pm = new NotificationSelector(this.notification_selector_args(
{ html: 'PM', type: 'PM' },
{ known_keys: ['list of posts in merged thread'], key_prefix: 'pm ' }
var message_selector = $(
'<div>' +
'<label title="post a new reply in this thread"><input type="checkbox" name="post">post to thread</label>' +
'<label><input type="checkbox" name="pm">PM the thread creator</label>' +
.last().parent().attr( 'title', 'send a private message to ' + thread_creator.username );
var sender_selector = $(
'<div>' +
'<label title="more official, protects your privacy"><input type="radio" value="team" name="sender" checked>send from mod team account</label>' +
'<label title="more individual, can ease tensions"><input type="radio" value="personal" name="sender">send from personal account</label>' +
sender_selector.find('input').change(function() {
if ( this.checked == (this.value == 'team' ) )
post.bb = pm.bb = args.mod_team_bb;
post.bb = pm.bb = args.bb;
var bump_selector = $(
'<div>' +
'<label title="push this thread up to the top of the listings"><input type="radio" name="bump" value="bump">bump thread</label>' +
'<label><input type="radio" name="bump" checked>no bump</label>' +
'<label title="hide this thread far down in the listings"><input type="radio" name="bump" value="debump">de-bump thread</label>' +
var template_selector = $(
'<select title="select a template reply or specify actions by hand" name="response_template"><option value="No template">Please choose a template...</option></select>'
var seen_macros = {};
var macros_to_insert = recent_macros.get().reverse().filter(function(macro) {
if ( seen_macros.hasOwnProperty(macro.name) ) return false;
seen_macros[macro.name] = true;
return true;
if ( macros_to_insert.length ) {
$('<optgroup>').attr( 'label', 'Recent' )
macros_to_insert.map(function(macro) {
return $('<option>')
.text (macro.name)
.val (macro.template)
.attr( 'title', policy.resolve(['hint',macro.template]) )
.data( 'macro', macro )
this.resolve( 'visible templates', {}, 'array of items' ).map(function(templates) {
templates = templates.value.split( /\s*[:,]\s*/g );
var name = templates.shift();
var optgroup = $('<optgroup>').attr( 'label', name );
optgroup.append( templates.map(function(t) {
return $('<option>')
.val (t)
.attr( 'title', policy.resolve(['hint',t]) )
}) );
return optgroup;
).change(function() {
* Update everything based on the new template
= variable_suffix[0]
= action_data.template
= $(this).val();
if ( policy.check( [ 'new thread id' ].concat(variable_suffix) ) ) {
status_widget.val( 'merged' ).change();
target_thread_id: parseInt( policy.resolve([ 'new thread id' ].concat(variable_suffix)).toLowerCase(), 10 )
} else if ( policy.check( [ 'deadline' ].concat(variable_suffix) ) ) {
var deadline = policy.resolve([ 'deadline' ].concat(variable_suffix)).toLowerCase();
.prop( 'selected', false )
.filter(function() { return $(this).data('deadline') == deadline })
.prop( 'selected', true )
} else if ( policy.check( [ 'new status' ].concat(variable_suffix) ) ) {
status_widget.val( policy.resolve([ 'new status' ].concat(variable_suffix)).toLowerCase() ).change();
} else {
status_widget.val( original.status ).change();
if ( policy.check( [ 'new thread title' ].concat(variable_suffix) ) ) {
target_thread_id : args.thread_id,
target_thread_desc: policy.resolve( [ 'new thread title' ].concat(variable_suffix), { 'old thread title': args.thread_desc } ),
target_forum_id : args.forum_id,
if ( policy.check( [ 'new icon' ].concat(variable_suffix) ) ) {
var icon_name = policy.resolve( [ 'new icon' ].concat(variable_suffix) );
metadata.icons.map(function(icon, index) {
if ( icon.name == icon_name ) icon_widget.setSelectedIndex(index);
} else if ( forum_has_icons ) {
if ( original.icon == -1 ) {
metadata.icons.map(function(icon, index) {
if ( !icon.file ) icon_widget.setSelectedIndex(index);
} else {
if ( policy.check( [ 'new forum' ].concat(variable_suffix) ) ) {
var new_forum = policy.resolve( [ 'new forum' ].concat(variable_suffix) ).toLowerCase();
.prop( 'selected', false )
.filter(function() { return this.textContent.toLowerCase() == new_forum })
.prop( 'selected', true )
} else {
forum_widget.val( original.forum_id );
if ( policy.check( [ 'new prefix' ].concat(variable_suffix) ) ) {
var new_prefix = policy.resolve( [ 'new prefix' ].concat(variable_suffix) );
.prop( 'selected', false )
.filter(function() { return this.textContent.toLowerCase() == new_prefix })
.prop( 'selected', true )
} else {
prefix_widget.val( original.prefix );
message_selector.find('[name="post"]').prop( 'checked', policy.check( [ 'post bbcode' ].concat(variable_suffix) ) );
post.val( policy.notification_selector_args({ html: 'post', type: 'post' }) );
message_selector.find('[name="pm"]' ).prop( 'checked', policy.check( [ 'pm bbcode' ].concat(variable_suffix) ) );
pm .val( policy.notification_selector_args({ html: 'PM', type: 'PM' }) );
// record macro defaults even if this action came from a macro, so frequent actions are frequently updated:
macro_defaults = {
template: variable_suffix[0],
status: status_widget.val(),
deadline: status_widget.find('option:selected').data('deadline') || '',
has_post: message_selector.find('[name="post"]').prop( 'checked' ),
has_pm : message_selector.find('[name="pm"]' ).prop( 'checked' ),
icon : forum_has_icons ? icon_widget.getSelectedIndex() : -1,
forum_id: forum_widget.find('option:selected').val() || '',
prefix_id: prefix_widget.val()||'',
target_thread_id: title_widget.val().target_thread_id || NaN
var macro = $( 'option:selected', this ).data( 'macro' );
if ( macro ) {
switch ( macro.status ) {
case undefined: break;
case 'closed temporarily':
.prop( 'selected', false )
.filter(function() { return $(this).data('deadline') == macro.deadline })
.prop( 'selected', true )
title_widget.val({ mode: 'edit' });
case 'merged':
title_widget.val({ mode: 'merge', target_thread_id: macro.target_thread_id });
title_widget.val({ mode: 'edit' });
status_widget.val( macro[status] ).change();
if ( macro.hasOwnProperty('icon' ) ) icon_widget.setSelectedIndex( macro.icon );
if ( macro.hasOwnProperty('has_pm' ) ) message_selector.find('[name="pm"]' ).prop('checked', macro.has_pm ).change();
if ( macro.hasOwnProperty('has_post') ) message_selector.find('[name="post"]').prop('checked', macro.has_post).change();
if ( macro.hasOwnProperty('prefix_id') ) {
if ( macro.hasOwnProperty('forum_id') ) {
forum_metadata[macro.forum_id].then(function() {
} else {
} else if ( macro.hasOwnProperty('forum_id') ) {
* Download information and initialise a few last things
this.promise = $.when(
).then(function(_metadata, forums) {
metadata = _metadata;
metadata.deleted ? 'deleted' :
metadata.moderated ? 'moderated' :
metadata.open ? 'open' :
var selected_index;
forum_has_icons = metadata.icons.length;
if ( forum_has_icons ) {
metadata.icons.map(function(icon, index) {
if ( icon.icon_id == metadata.icon_id ) selected_index = index;
return {
'iconFilePath': icon.file || '',
'iconValue': icon.icon_id
} else {
$('#mod-friend-thread-metadata-icons').on( 'changed', function() {
policy.default_keys[5].value = (
? location.origin + '/' + metadata.icons[icon_widget.getSelectedIndex()].file
: ''
if ( metadata.prefixes.length ) {
.append(metadata.prefixes.map(function(option) { return $('<option>').val(option.prefix_id).text(option.text) }))
.val( metadata.prefix_id );
(function build_forums(options, prefix, optgroup) {
options.forEach(function(option) {
if ( option.forum_id ) {
var node = $('<option>').val(option.forum_id);
if ( option.forum_id == args.forum_id )
node.text(prefix + option.name + ' (current forum)').addClass('current-forum');
node.text(prefix + option.name);
optgroup.append( node );
if ( option.children )
build_forums( option.children, prefix + '\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0', optgroup );
} else if ( option.children ) {
build_forums( option.children, prefix, $('<optgroup>').attr( 'label', prefix + option.name ).appendTo(forum_widget) );
})( forums, '', forum_widget );
old_forum_id = metadata.forum[metadata.forum.length-1].forum_id;
forum_widget.val( metadata.forum[metadata.forum.length-1].forum_id );
original = action_data.original = {
thread_id: args.thread_id,
status : status_widget.val(),
title : $.extend( {}, title_widget.val() ),
forum_id : parseInt( forum_widget.val(), 10 ),
prefix : prefix_widget.val() || '',
icon : icon_widget.getSelectedIndex(),
icon_id : forum_has_icons ? icon_widget.getSelectedValue() : undefined,
unmerge_data = {
forum_id: original.forum_id,
thread_id: args.thread_id,
title : original.title.thread_desc,
icon_id: original.icon_id,
prefix : original.prefix,
status : original.status,
close_thread: metadata.open ? undefined : true,
delete_thread: metadata.deleted ? true : undefined,
unapprove_thread: metadata.moderated ? true : undefined,
delete_reason: metadata.delete_reason,
notes : metadata.notes,
ThreadManagementPolicy.prototype = Object.create(Policy.prototype, {
_namespace: { writable: false, configurable: false, value: 'thread management' },
ThreadManagementPolicy.prototype.constructor = ThreadManagementPolicy;
* @summary build an action to unmerge a thread
* @param {BulletinBoard} bb Bulletin Board to manipulate
* @param {BulletinBoard} mod_team_bb Bulletin Board to manipulate
* @param {Variables} v Variables to use
* @param {Object} unmerge_data 'merge data' created during merging
* @return {Action}
ThreadManagementPolicy.prototype.unmerge_action = function(bb, mod_team_bb, v, unmerge_data) {
var merge_log = v.resolve('frequently used posts/threads', 'merge log'), merge_post_id;
return new Action(
'root action',
new Action(
'unmerge wrapper',
new Action( 'create thread', {
fire: function(keys) {
return mod_team_bb.thread_create($.extend(
bbcode: v.resolve('thread management', 'unmerge notification bbcode', $.extend( keys, unmerge_data.source_thread ) ),
)).then(function(new_thread_id) {
unmerge_data.source_thread.thread_id = new_thread_id;
return { keys: {
'new thread id': new_thread_id,
'old thread title with link': '[thread=' + new_thread_id + ']' + keys['old thread title'] + '[/thread]'
description: function() {
return [{ type: 'create thread', target: unmerge_data.source_thread }];
new Action( 'move posts', {
fire: function(keys) {
return bb.posts_move( keys['new thread id'], unmerge_data.posts );
description: function() {
return [{ type: 'move posts', target: { thread: unmerge_data.source_thread, posts: unmerge_data.posts } }];
new Action( 'post to merge log', {
fire: function(keys) {
return bb.thread_reply({
thread_id: merge_log,
title : v.resolve('thread management', 'unmerge title' , keys),
bbcode : v.resolve('thread management', 'unmerge bbcode', keys),
}).then(function(post_id) {
merge_post_id = post_id;
description: function() {
return [
type: 'post',
target: {
thread_desc: 'the merge log',
thread_id : merge_log,
post_id : merge_post_id
( unmerge_data.source_thread.delete_thread || unmerge_data.source_thread.unapprove_thread ) ? new Action( 'change thread status', {
fire: function(keys) {
return bb.thread_edit(unmerge_data.source_thread)
description: function() {
return [{ type: 'change thread status', target: unmerge_data.source_thread }];
}) : undefined
? new Action( 'add usernote', {
fire: function(keys) {
var return_keys = {};
if ( !keys.hasOwnProperty( 'pm result') ) return_keys[ 'pm result'] = 'no action';
if ( !keys.hasOwnProperty('post result') ) return_keys['post result'] = 'no action';
$.extend( keys, return_keys );
return args.bb.usernote_add(
policy.resolve( 'combined note title' , keys ),
policy.resolve( 'combined note bbcode', keys )
).then(function() {
if ( keys['notification error' ] == 'fail' ) {
return $.Deferred()
.reject('Notification failed, but the error was postponed so we could add a usernote:\n' + error)
} else {
return { keys: return_keys };
description: function() {
return [{ type: 'usernote', target: thread_creator }];
: new Action( 'fix results', {
fire: function(keys) {
var return_keys = {};
if ( !keys.hasOwnProperty( 'pm result') ) return_keys[ 'pm result'] = 'no action';
if ( !keys.hasOwnProperty('post result') ) return_keys['post result'] = 'no action';
return { keys: return_keys };