* @file Thread Title Selector
* @author Andrew Sayers
* @summary Select a thread to merge into
* @summary Select a thread title
* @constructor
* @extends Widget
* @param {Object} args widget arguments
* @example
* var selector = new ThreadTitleSelector({
* target_thread_id : 1234, // initial target thread ID
* target_forum_id : 12, // initial target forum ID
* target_thread_desc: 'initial target name',
* mode : 'edit', // or 'merge' to pick a merge target by title
* thread_id : 2345, // current thread ID
* forum_id : 23, // current forum ID
* bb : bb, // BulletinBoard object
* ss : ss, // SharedStore object
* callback : function(keys) { ... }, // called with the current data
* container : notification_appended_to_this,
* });
function ThreadTitleSelector( args ) {
var widget = this;
var callback = args.callback;
delete args.callback; // disable default handling
this.datalist = $('#thread_title_selector_datalist');
this.title_to_data = {};
this. id_to_data = {};
this.thread_id = args.thread_id;
if ( !this.datalist.length ) {
this.datalist = $('<datalist id="thread_title_selector_datalist"></data>').appendTo(document.body);
$.when( args.bb.threads_recent() ).then(function(recent) {
recent.forEach(function(target) { widget._add(target.thread_id, target.name, target.forum_id ) });
Widget.call( this, args, 'thread_title_selector' );
var input = this.element.children('input');
var edit_attrs = { title: input.attr( 'title' ), placeholder: input.attr( 'placeholder' ) };
var merge_attrs = { title: input.data( 'merge-title' ), placeholder: input.data( 'merge-placeholder' ) };
var next_callback_id = 0, prev_callback_thread_id = NaN;
function call_callback(value, callback_id) {
if ( callback_id != next_callback_id ) return;
if ( value ) {
widget.check(value.thread_id).then(function(error) {
if ( callback_id != next_callback_id ) return;
if ( error && error != 'closed' ) {
widget.value.target_thread_id = null;
widget.value.target_thread_desc = null;
widget.value.target_forum_id = null;
if ( callback ) callback(null);
} else if ( prev_callback_thread_id != value.thread_id ) {
prev_callback_thread_id = value.thread_id;
widget.value.target_thread_id = value.thread_id;
widget.value.target_thread_desc = value.thread_desc;
widget.value.target_forum_id = value.forum_id;
if ( callback ) callback(value);
} else {
widget.value.target_thread_id = null;
widget.value.target_thread_desc = null;
widget.value.target_forum_id = null;
if ( callback ) callback(value);
var searched_thread_descs = {}, search_timeout, value_timeout;
input.on( 'input change', function(event) {
widget.element.removeClass('closed old self missing');
var value = $.trim(this.value.toLowerCase());
if ( widget.value.mode == 'merge' ) {
input.attr( merge_attrs );
var target_thread = null;
if ( widget.title_to_data.hasOwnProperty(value) ) {
call_callback( widget.title_to_data[value], ++next_callback_id );
} else if ( value.toLowerCase() == '(this thread does not exist)' ) {
call_callback(null, ++next_callback_id);
} else {
value.replace( /^\s*(?:.*\/showthread.php\?t=|.*\[thread=)?([0-9]{4,})/, function(value, thread_id) {
if ( value_timeout ) clearTimeout(value_timeout);
value_timeout = setTimeout(function() {
widget._set( parseInt(thread_id, 10) );
value_timeout = null;
}, 500 );
value = null;
if ( !value ) return;
var element = this;
if ( search_timeout ) clearTimeout(search_timeout);
search_timeout = setTimeout(function() {
var title = $.trim(element.value.toLowerCase());
if (
title.length >= 3 &&
!searched_thread_descs.hasOwnProperty(title) &&
) {
searched_thread_descs[title] = null;
args.bb.threads_complete( title ).then(function(vals) {
search_timeout = null;
vals.forEach(function(val) { widget._add( val.thread_id, val.title, val.forum_id ) });
} else {
search_timeout = 0;
}, 500 );
} else {
input.attr( edit_attrs );
widget.value.target_forum_id = args.forum_id;
widget.value.target_thread_id = args.thread_id;
widget.value.target_thread_desc = this.value;
if ( callback ) callback({
forum_id : args.forum_id,
thread_id : args.thread_id,
thread_desc: this.value
this.bb = args.bb;
this.value = {
mode : 'edit',
target_thread_id : args.thread_id,
target_thread_desc: args.thread_desc,
target_forum_id : args.forum_id
if ( args.thread_id ) {
this._set( args.thread_id, args.thread_desc, args.forum_id );
ThreadTitleSelector.prototype = Object.create(Widget.prototype, {
bb : { writable: true, configurable: false },
datalist : { writable: true, configurable: false },
id_to_data: { writable: true, configurable: false },
title_to_data: { writable: true, configurable: false },
thread_id : { writable: true, configurable: false },
ThreadTitleSelector.prototype.constructor = ThreadTitleSelector;
* @summary add a value to the (shared) datalist
* @private
* @param {Number} thread_id thread ID
* @param {string=} thread_desc thread title (or other description)
ThreadTitleSelector.prototype._add = function( thread_id, thread_desc, forum_id ) {
if ( typeof(thread_desc) == 'string' ) {
this. title_to_data[thread_desc.toLowerCase()] =
this.id_to_data[thread_id ] =
{ thread_id: thread_id, thread_desc: thread_desc, forum_id: forum_id };
if ( !this.datalist.find('option').filter(function() { return this.textContent == thread_desc }).length )
this.datalist.append( $('<option>').val(thread_desc).text(thread_desc) );
return $.Deferred().resolve().promise();
} else if ( this.id_to_data.hasOwnProperty(thread_id) ) {
return $.Deferred().resolve().promise();
} else {
var widget = this;
return this.bb.thread_metadata(thread_id).then(function(data) {
if ( data.valid ) {
widget. title_to_data[data.title.toLowerCase()] =
widget.id_to_data[thread_id ] =
{ thread_id: thread_id, thread_desc: data.title, forum_id: data.forum_id };
widget.datalist.append( $('<option>').val(data.title).text(data.title) );
} else {
widget.id_to_data[thread_id] = { thread_id: thread_id, thread_desc: '(this thread does not exist)', forum_id: null };
* @summary set a new value
* @private
* @param {Number} thread_id thread ID
* @param {string=} thread_desc thread title (or other description)
ThreadTitleSelector.prototype._set = function( thread_id, thread_desc, forum_id ) {
var widget = this;
if ( thread_desc === '' ) {
widget.element.children('input').val( '' ).change();
} else {
return this._add( thread_id, thread_desc, forum_id ).then(function() {
widget.element.children('input').val( widget.id_to_data[thread_id].thread_desc );
if ( widget.value.mode == 'merge' ) {
widget.check(thread_id).then(function(error) {
if ( error ) {
widget.value.target_thread_id = null;
widget.value.target_thread_desc = null;
widget.value.target_forum_id = null;
} else {
widget.value.target_thread_id = thread_id;
widget.value.target_thread_desc = widget.id_to_data[thread_id].thread_desc;
widget.value.target_forum_id = widget.id_to_data[thread_id].forum_id;
} else {
* @summary check whether the specified thread is a valid merge target
* @param {Number} thread_id thread to check
* @return {jQuery.Promise}
ThreadTitleSelector.prototype.check = function( thread_id ) {
if ( this.thread_id == thread_id ) {
return $.Deferred().resolve('self').promise();
} else if ( this.thread_id < thread_id ) {
return $.Deferred().resolve('old').promise();
} else {
var widget = this;
return this.bb.thread_metadata(thread_id).then(function(data) {
var ret = '';
if ( data.deleted || data.merged || !data.valid ) ret = 'missing';
else if ( !data.open ) ret = 'closed';
return ret;
* @summary Give focus to this widget
ThreadTitleSelector.prototype.focus = function() {
* @summary Get/set widget's value
* @param {Object} value new value
* @return {Object} (new) value
* @example
* widget.val({
* mode: 'merge', // or 'edit'
* target_thread_id : 1234,
* target_thread_desc: 1234,
* });
ThreadTitleSelector.prototype.val = function( value ) {
if ( value ) {
Widget.prototype.val.call( this, value );
if ( value.hasOwnProperty('mode') ) {
if ( value.mode == 'merge' )
this.element.children('input').attr( 'list', 'thread_title_selector_datalist' );
this.element.children('input').removeAttr( 'list' );
if ( value.hasOwnProperty('target_thread_id') ) {
this._set( value.target_thread_id, value.target_thread_desc, value.target_forum_id );
} else {
return $.extend( Widget.prototype.val.call(this), {
thread_desc: this.element.children('input').val(),