* @file Notification Selector
* @author Andrew Sayers
* @summary Select details for various levels of notification
* @summary Select details for various levels of notification
* @constructor
* @extends ActionWidget
* @param {Object} args notification arguments
* @example
* var notification = new NotificationSelector({
* // default values (can be changed with val()):
* level : 'none', // or 'post' or 'PM' or 'warning' or 'infraction'
* namespace : 'variables namespace', // namespace to retrieve variables from
* violation : 'default violation', // string, numeric ID or object
* keys : {...}, // keys to use when resolving variables
* title_variable: 'Title variable', // variable to use for post/PM title or infraction reason
* ban_variable: 'Ban reason variable', // variable to use for reason to ban an account
* bbcode_variable: 'BBCode variable', // variable to use for BBCode
* note_title_variable: 'User note title variable', // variable to use for user note title
* note_bbcode_variable: 'User note BBCode variable', // variable to use for user note BBCode
* // these two usually aren't used:
* // title : 'initial text for post/PM title',
* // bbcode: 'initial text for BBCode',
* show_violations : false, // show the "violation" dropdown (default: true)
* // other data needed for the selector to function:
* user : { username: ..., user_id: ... }, // user to apply action to
* v : variables, // Variables object
* bb : bb, // BulletinBoard object
* violation_groups: [{ name: '...', violations: [v1,v2,...]},...], // list of violations to display
* thread_id : 12345, // post goes here, variables and previews will be calculated as if rendered in this thread
* thread_desc : 'name of thread (passed to Action)',
* loading_html : 'Loading, please wait...', // shown while the preview is updated
* callback : function(keys) { ... }, // called with the current data
* container : notification_appended_to_this,
* key_prefix : 'string appended to all keys returned from the action', // default: 'notification '
* known_keys : [ 'key name', ... ], // keys that should not trigger the 'curly brackets detected' warning
* });
* @description User notes should always be updated with the contents of a
* notification action, but sometimes we want to do that in a separate action.
* When 'note_title_variable' and 'note_bbcode_variable' are not passed,
* the action will always succeed. You are expected to write a later action
* that checks 'notification result' and returns appropriately.
function NotificationSelector( args ) {
var notification = this;
var user = { username: args.user.username, user_id: args.user.user_id };
var key_prefix = args.hasOwnProperty('key_prefix') ? args.key_prefix : 'notification ';
var post_id;
this, args, 'notification_selector', [ 'title', 'bbcode', 'ban', 'note_title', 'note_bbcode' ],
function(keys) { // fire
var value = $.extend( {}, this.val() );
if ( args.known_keys ) {
var keys = {};
args.known_keys.forEach(function(key) {
if ( notification.known_keys.hasOwnProperty(key) ) {
keys[key] = notification.known_keys[key]
} else {
console.log( 'Error: known key "' + key + '" was not defined' );
value.title = args.v.parse( value.title , keys );
value.bbcode = args.v.parse( value.bbcode, keys );
var return_keys = $.extend( {}, value.keys );
keys.violation = return_keys.violation = value.violation.name;
function success() {
return_keys[key_prefix + 'result'] = 'success';
var title = notification.resolve_value( 'note_title' , [], $.extend( keys, return_keys ) );
var bbcode = notification.resolve_value( 'note_bbcode', [], $.extend( keys, return_keys ) );
if ( bbcode === null ) {
return { keys: return_keys };
} else {
return notification.bb.usernote_add( user.user_id, title, bbcode ).then(function() {
return { keys: return_keys };
function fail(error) {
return_keys[key_prefix + 'result'] = 'fail';
return_keys[key_prefix + 'error' ] = error;
var title = notification.resolve_value( 'note_title' , [], $.extend( keys, return_keys ) );
var bbcode = notification.resolve_value( 'note_bbcode', [], $.extend( keys, return_keys ) );
if ( bbcode === null ) {
return { keys: return_keys };
} else {
return notification.bb.usernote_add( user.user_id, title, bbcode ).then(function() {
var dfd = jQuery.Deferred();
return dfd.promise();
switch ( value.level ) {
case 'PM':
return_keys[key_prefix + 'title' ] = value.title;
return_keys[key_prefix + 'bbcode'] = value.bbcode;
return notification.bb.pm_send( user.username, value.title, value.bbcode ).then(success,fail);
case 'post':
return_keys[key_prefix + 'title' ] = value.title;
return_keys[key_prefix + 'bbcode'] = value.bbcode;
return notification.bb.thread_reply({
thread_id : notification.thread_id,
title : value.title,
bbcode : value.bbcode
}).then(function(_post_id) {
return_keys[key_prefix + 'post id'] = post_id = _post_id;
return success();
}, fail );
case 'warning' : var is_warning = true; // then FALL THROUGH
case 'infraction':
return_keys[key_prefix + 'title' ] = notification.resolve_value( 'ban', [], keys )
return_keys[key_prefix + 'bbcode'] = value.bbcode;
return notification.bb.infraction_give({
administrative_note: notification.resolve_value( 'title', [], keys ),
ban_reason : return_keys[key_prefix + 'title'],
bbcode : return_keys[key_prefix + 'bbcode'],
user_id : user.user_id,
is_warning : is_warning,
infraction_id : value.violation.id
case 'none':
return null;
function() { // description
if ( notification.value.level == 'none' ) return;
var actions = [];
if ( notification.value.level == 'post' )
actions.push({ type: notification.value.level, target: { thread_id: notification.thread_id, thread_desc: args.thread_desc, post_id: post_id } });
actions.push({ type: notification.value.level, target: user });
if ( notification.resolve_value( 'note_bbcode', [], {} ) !== null )
actions.push({ type: 'usernote', target: user });
return actions;
function() { // blockers
if ( notification.value.level != 'none' && !select.val() )
return [ 'Please select a violation for ' + user.username ];
this.bb = args.bb;
this.loading_html = args.loading_html;
this.thread_id = args.thread_id;
this.key_prefix = key_prefix;
this.known_keys = {};
$.extend( this.value, {
level : null,
namespace: null,
violation: null,
keys : null,
args.bb.user_moderation_info(args.user.user_id).then(function(info) {
if ( info.pm_notification.receive ) {
if ( !info.pm_notification.notified )
} else
this.button = $('<input class="notification-text-button" type="button">')
.val( notification.element.hasClass('preview') ? 'switch to edit mode' : 'switch to preview mode' )
.on( 'click', function() {
this.value = 'switch to ' + ( notification.element.hasClass('preview') ? 'preview' : 'edit' ) + ' mode';
notification.mode ( notification.element.hasClass('preview') ? 'edit' : 'preview' );
var select = this.element.find('select');
if ( args.violation_groups.length == 1 ) {
args.violation_groups[0].violations.map(function(violation) {
return $('<option>')
.data( 'violation', violation )
.val ( violation.id )
.text( violation.name );
} else {
args.violation_groups.map(function(group) {
return $('<optgroup>').attr( 'label', group.name )
group.violations.map(function(violation) {
return $('<option>')
.data( 'violation', violation )
.val ( violation.id )
.text( violation.name );
select.change(function() {
if ( $(this).val() == '' ) {
} else {
var value = notification.value;
var violation = $(':selected',this).data('violation');
var keys = $.extend( { violation: violation.name, points: violation.points }, value.keys );
if ( value.level == 'PM' || value.level == 'post' ) {
var title_element = notification.element.find('.'+value.level + ' .title');
var text = notification.set_value( title_element.val(), 'title', [keys.violation], keys );
if ( typeof(text) == 'string' ) title_element.val( text ).change();
} else if ( value.level != 'none' ) {
[ 'top', 'bottom' ].forEach(function(location) {
notification.element.find('.'+value.level + ' .message-' + location).html(
args.v.resolve( 'report process', [value.level + ' message ' + location], keys ) );
var bbcode_element = notification.element.find('.'+value.level + ' textarea');
var text = notification.set_value( bbcode_element.val(), 'bbcode', [keys.violation], keys );
if ( typeof(text) == 'string' ) bbcode_element.val( text ).change();
if ( notification.element.hasClass('preview') ) {
var level_element = notification.element.children('.'+value.level);
level_element.find('.postrow').html( args.loading_html );
notification.bb.bbcode_html( notification.thread_id, level_element.find('textarea').val() )
.done(function(html) { level_element.find('.postrow').html(html) })
var had_literal_curly_brackets = false, had_known_variables = false, known_variable_re;
if ( args.known_keys ) {
known_variable_re = new RegExp(
'{{(?:' + args.known_keys.map(function(key) { return key.replace(/[.?*+^$[\]\\(){}|-]/g, "\\$&") }).join('|') + ')}}',
} else {
known_variable_re = /(?!)/;
this.element.find('.title,textarea').on( 'input change', function() {
var has_known_variables = false;
var text = this.value.replace( known_variable_re, function() {
has_known_variables = true;
return '';
if ( ( text.search('{{') != -1 ) != had_literal_curly_brackets ) {
had_literal_curly_brackets ^= true
if ( had_literal_curly_brackets ) has_known_variables = false;
if ( has_known_variables != had_known_variables ) {
had_known_variables ^= true;
this.element.find('.reset').click(function() {
$(this).siblings('textarea').val( notification.reset_value( $(this).siblings('textarea').val(), 'bbcode' ) );
NotificationSelector.prototype = Object.create(ActionWidget.prototype, {
bb : { writable: true, configurable: false },
loading_html: { writable: true, configurable: false },
thread_id : { writable: true, configurable: false },
thread_desc : { writable: true, configurable: false },
user : { writable: true, configurable: false },
key_prefix : { writable: true, configurable: false },
button : { writable: true, configurable: false },
value : { writable: true, configurable: false },
known_keys : { writable: true, configurable: false }
NotificationSelector.prototype.constructor = NotificationSelector;
* @summary Get/set widget's values
* @param {Object} value new value
* @return {Object} (new) value
* @example
* ns.val({
* level : 'none', // or 'post' || 'PM' or 'warning' or 'infraction'
* namespace : 'variables namespace', // namespace to retrieve variables from
* bbcode_variable: 'BBCode variable', // variable to use for BBCode
* ban_variable : 'Ban reason variable', // variable to use for reason to ban an account
* title_variable : 'Title variable', // variable to use for post/PM title
* keys : {...}, // keys to use when resolving variables
* violation : 'default violation', // string, numeric ID or object
* // these two usually aren't used:
* // title : 'initial text for post/PM title',
* // bbcode : 'initial text for BBCode',
* data : ..., arbitrary data used by the calling code
* });
* @description
* Note: In the return object, 'violation' will be set to the current violation
* object (not the default string), and 'title' and 'bbcode' will be set to the
* current strings.
* Values remain unchanged if they aren't passed (no need to pass 'namespace' each time)
NotificationSelector.prototype.val = function( value ) {
if ( value ) {
var need_update = ['level', 'namespace', 'bbcode_variable', 'title_variable', 'keys', 'bbcode', 'title' ]
.reduce(function(prev, property) { return prev || value.hasOwnProperty(property) }, false);
if ( value.hasOwnProperty('level') && value.level != this.value.level ) {
this.element.removeClass('none post PM warning infraction').addClass(value.level)
.find('input,select,textarea').prop( 'required', false );
this.element .find('select' ).prop( 'required', true );
this.element.children('.'+value.level).find('textarea').prop( 'required', true );
if ( this.button.closest('.notification-selector').is(this.element) )
this.element.find('div.' + value.level + ' .mode-switch-container').append(this.button);
if ( value.show_violations === false ) this.element.find('.violation-details').hide();
else if ( value.show_violations === true ) this.element.find('.violation-details').show();
if ( value.hasOwnProperty('violation') ) {
var old_violation = this.element.find('select').val();
switch ( typeof(value.violation) ) {
case 'string': this.element.find('option').filter(function() { return $(this).text() == value.violation || this.value == value.violation }).prop( 'selected', true ); break;
case 'number': this.element.find('select').val( value.violation ); break;
case 'Object': this.element.find('select').val( value.violation.id ); break;
need_update |= old_violation != this.element.find('select').val();
ActionWidget.prototype.val.call( this, value );
if ( need_update )
return $.extend( ActionWidget.prototype.val.call(this), {
violation : this.element.find('option:selected' ).data('violation'),
title : this.element.find('.' + this.value.level + ' .title' ).val(),
bbcode : this.element.find('.' + this.value.level + ' textarea').val(),
* @summary Get/set the box's current notification mode
* @param {string=} mode 'edit' or 'preview'
* @return {string} (new) mode
NotificationSelector.prototype.mode = function( mode ) {
if ( mode && !this.element.hasClass(mode) ) {
this.element.removeClass('edit preview').addClass(mode);
if ( mode == 'preview' ) {
var level_element = this.element.children('.'+this.value.level);
level_element.find('.postrow').html( this.loading_html );
this.bb.bbcode_html( this.thread_id, level_element.find('textarea').val() )
.done(function(html) {
return this.element.attr('class').replace( /.*\b(edit|preview)\b.*/, "$1" );
* @summary Mode-switching button
* @return {jQuery}
* @description this bit of sugar provides a "mode switch" button for the widget
NotificationSelector.prototype.mode_switcher = function() { return this.button }
* @summary <div> element where you can put "extra" actions
* @return {jQuery}
* @description Sometimes it's useful to place another widget inside this one
* (e.g. an extra action to fire at the same time). This element is
* a place to put such widgets
NotificationSelector.prototype.extra_block = function() { return this.element.find('.extra') }
* @summary add known keys that will be inserted immediately before the notification is sent
* @param {Object} keys keys to insert
NotificationSelector.prototype.add_known_keys = function(keys) {
$.extend( this.known_keys, keys );