* @file Configuration, localisation and policy loaded from the user's site
* @author Andrew Sayers
* @summary Generic class for any type of bulletin board
* @constructor
* @abstract
* @extends Cacheable
* @description
* Each variable has a language, namespace and value.
* Variable resolution is necessarily quite complex:
* + A default language is passed in
* + If a "thread languages" variable exists, it is used for thread-specific language overrides
* + If a "forum languages" variable exists, it is used for forum-specific language overrides
* + Variable names of the form "foo: bar: baz" are treated specially - the part before the first ": " must be matched, others are optional (so a request for ['foo', 'bar'] would match a variable named 'foo)
* Variable values can include {{keys}}, which are resolved recursively. So {{foo: {{something}}}} will first resolve {{something}}, then {{foo: (that thing)}}
function Variables(args) {
this.bb = args.bb;
this.default_language = args.default_language;
this.default_keys = args.default_keys || {};
this.error_callback = args.error_callback;
this.thread_languages = {};
this.forum_languages = {};
Cacheable.call( this, args );
var v = this;
this.promise = this.promise.then(function() {
if ( v.check( 'policy', 'thread languages' ) ) {
var tl = v.resolve( 'policy', 'thread languages', {}, 'hash of arrays' );
Object.keys(tl).forEach(function(language) { tl[language].forEach(function(thread) { if ( thread.type == 'thread' ) v.thread_languages[thread.thread_id] = language; }); });
if ( v.check( 'policy', 'forum languages' ) ) {
var fl = v.resolve( 'policy', 'forum languages', {}, 'hash of arrays' );
Object.keys(fl).forEach(function(language) { fl[language].forEach(function(forum ) { if ( forum.type == 'forum' ) v. forum_languages[ forum. forum_id] = language; }); });
Variables.prototype = Object.create(Cacheable.prototype, {
bb : { writable: true, configurable: false },
default_language : { writable: true, configurable: false },
default_keys : { writable: true, configurable: false },
// main list of variables (filled in by child classes):
namespaces: { writable: true, configurable: false },
// thread- and forum-specific language overrides:
thread_languages: { writable: true, configurable: false },
forum_languages : { writable: true, configurable: false },
error_callback: { writable: true, configurable: false, default: function(message) { alert(message) } }
Variables.prototype.constructor = Variables;
* @summary get the target language
* @param {Number} thread_id thread ID
* @param {Number} forum_id forum ID
* @description thread language overrides forum language, which overrides user language,
* EXCEPT when the user language is a specialism of the other language.
* So a user language 'en-GB' overrides a thread language 'en',
* but a user language 'en-GB' is overridden by a thread language 'fr'.
Variables.prototype.get_language = function(thread_id, forum_id) {
var language = this.default_language, thread_languages = this.thread_languages, forum_languages = this.forum_languages;
if ( thread_id && thread_languages.hasOwnProperty(thread_id) && language.search(thread_languages[thread_id]+'-')!=0 ) language = thread_languages[thread_id];
else if ( forum_id && forum_languages.hasOwnProperty( forum_id) && language.search( forum_languages[ forum_id]+'-')!=0 ) language = forum_languages[ forum_id];
return language;
* @summary update the complete list of variables, grouped by namespace
* @return {Array.<Object>}
Variables.prototype.set_namespaces = function() {/*
this.namespaces = this.cache.namespaces; // or however the child class builds namespaces
* @summary get a variable
* @param {string} namespace namespace to find the variable in
* @param {string|Array.<string>} names name(s) of variable within the namespace
* @param {Number=} forum_id ID of forum to instantiate for
* @param {Number=} thread_id ID of thread to instantiate for
* @return {Object} variable (if found) or error information (otherwise)
* @description
* Variables need to follow some fairly specific rules to produce useful results:
* Variables are defined per-language, then the language is decided based on the forum, thread, and default language.
* Names are defined with sections split up by colons (e.g. "greeting message: newbie", "greeting message: old hand").
* We always try to return the most specific name for the language, but can default to less-specific ones
* Variables can be set to special values to override normal handling:
* "OVERRIDE: pretend this variable exists but has no contents" treats a variable as an empty string.
* Use this when you want to define a variable as an empty string. Some WYSIWYG editors will delete
* empty [quote] blocks - this is the recommended way to avoid those weird errors.
* "OVERRIDE: pretend this variable doesn't exist" treats a variable as if it didn't exist.
* Use this when you want to define a general variable, then un-define it again in a more
* specific variable.
* "NO OVERRIDE: ..." treats a variable as if the initial "NO OVERRIDE: " didn't exist.
* Use this to include the above strings literally in a variable.
* The return object contains 'text' and 'error', one null and one non-null.
* If there is an error, the object will also contain 'resolutions'.
* See the source of .resolve() for an example of how to use this output.
Variables.prototype.get = function( namespace, names, forum_id, thread_id ) {
var root_name;
if ( typeof(names) == 'string' ) {
root_name = names;
names = [];
} else { // array of possible names
root_name = names[0];
names = names.slice(1);
var target_namespace = namespace + ': ' + this.get_language( thread_id, forum_id );
// STEP TWO: get the best matching variable given the target language
var text = null, old_match_quality = 0, matching_namespaces = [];
this.namespaces.forEach(function(namespace) {
var match_quality = Math.max.apply( Math, namespace.names.map(function(namespace) {
return (
( target_namespace == namespace ) ? 3 // exact match
: ( target_namespace.search( namespace + '-' ) == 0 ) ? 2 // want 'en-GB', have 'en'
: ( namespace.search( target_namespace + '-' ) == 0 ) ? 2 // want 'en', have 'en-GB'
: ( namespace .replace( /: default$/, ': ' ) ==
target_namespace.replace( /: [-a-z]+$/, ': ' ) ) ? 1 // want 'en', have 'default'
: 0
if ( match_quality ) matching_namespaces.push(namespace);
if ( old_match_quality < match_quality ) {
var name = root_name;
for ( var n=1; n<Math.pow(2,names.length); ++n ) {
var new_name = root_name + ': ' + names.filter(function(value,index) { return n & (1<<index) }).join(': ');
if ( namespace.variables.hasOwnProperty(new_name.toLowerCase()) ) name = new_name;
if ( namespace.variables.hasOwnProperty(name.toLowerCase()) ) {
text = namespace.variables[name.toLowerCase()];
old_match_quality = match_quality;
var full_name = [ root_name ].concat(names).join(': ');
var ret = {
matching_namespaces: matching_namespaces,
name: full_name
if ( text === null ) {
return $.extend(ret, {
text: null,
error: "Couldn't find variable \"" + full_name + '" in namespace "' + target_namespace + '"',
resolutions: this.suggest_resolutions(matching_namespaces),
} else {
switch ( text ) {
case "OVERRIDE: pretend this variable exists but has no contents": return $.extend(ret, { text: '' , error: null });
case "OVERRIDE: pretend this variable doesn't exist" : return $.extend(ret, { text: null, error: 'variable overriden' });
case '': console.log(
'Warning: "' + full_name + '" in namespace "' + target_namespace + '" is an empty string.\n' +
'These are deprecated for compatibility, and will become an error in a future version of the moderators\' etension.'
default : return $.extend(ret, { text: text.replace( /^NO OVERRIDE: /, "" ), error: null });
* @summary check if a variable exists
* @param {string} namespace namespace to find the variable in
* @param {string|Array.<string>} names name(s) of variable within the namespace
* @param {Number=} forum_id ID of forum to instantiate for
* @param {Number=} thread_id ID of thread to instantiate for
* @param {boolean}
Variables.prototype.check = function( namespace, names, forum_id, thread_id ) {
return this.get( namespace, names, forum_id, thread_id ).text !== null;
* @summary parse the contents of a variable
* @param {string} text string to parse
* @param {Object.<string,*>=} keys keys used to instantiate the variable
* @param {string=} parser parser used for the variable ('string', 'array of items' or 'hash of arrays', default: 'string')
* @param {Number=} forum_id ID of forum to instantiate for
* @param {Number=} thread_id ID of thread to instantiate for
* @return {string|Array|Object} parsed output
* @description
* Parse a string as a variable.
* Keys should either be strings or arrays of strings. Arrays are automatically converted to sentences,
* e.g. [1,2,3] becomes "1, 2 and 3".
* All parsers treat text {{between two curly brackets}} specially. They're converted
* either to one of the keys passed in, or alternatively to another matching variable.
* Curly bracket blocks can be nested (e.g. {{variable for: {{key}}}}), and references
* within referenced variables are themselves parsed for references. To include a
* literal that resembles a variable, put brackets between the key {{(like this)}}.
* See get() for special override values variables can have.
* The "string" parser returns plain string output, the "array of items" parser
* expects the variable to be a BBCode [list], and the "hash of arrays" parser
* expects the variable to be a BBCode [list] with a single [post], [thread] or [url]
* element per list item.
* @example
* v.parse( 'Hello {{username}}', { username: 'some user' }, 'string', 12, 345 );
Variables.prototype.parse = function( text, keys, parser, forum_id, thread_id ) {
var v = this;
// resolve {{keys}}:
keys = $.extend( {}, this.default_keys, keys || {} );
var has_changed;
do {
has_changed = false;
text = text.replace( /{{([^{}\n]+)}}/g, function(match, key) {
if ( !key.search( /^\(.*\)$/ ) ) return match;
key = key.toLowerCase();
if ( keys.hasOwnProperty(key) ) {
has_changed = true;
var values = keys[key];
if ( $.isArray(values) ) {
switch ( values.length ) {
case 0: return '';
case 1: return values[0];
var last_joiner = v.get('other templates', 'localisation: list end joiner', forum_id, thread_id);
if ( last_joiner.error ) {
v.error_callback( last_joiner.error, last_joiner.resolutions );
throw last_joiner.error;
} else {
return values.slice( 0, values.length-1 ).join(', ') + last_joiner.text + values[values.length-1];
} else {
return values;
} else if ( key.search(':') != -1 ) {
var names = key.split(/:\s*/);
var root_name = names.shift();
if ( v.check( root_name, names, forum_id, thread_id ) ) {
has_changed = true;
return v.resolve( root_name, names, keys, 'string', forum_id, thread_id );
return match;
} while ( has_changed );
text = text.replace( /{{\(([^{}\n]+)\)}}/g, "{{$1}}" );
// parse:
function parse_array() {
var array = [];
text.replace( /\[list\]\s*\[\*\]\s*((?:.|\n)*?)\s*\[\/list\]/i, function(text, list) {
array = list.split( /\s*\[\*\]\s*/);
return array;
function parse_item(item) {
var ret = { type: 'text', value: item };
.replace( /^\[thread=([0-9]+)](.*)\[\/thread\]$/i, function(text, thread_id, value) {
ret = { type: 'thread', value: value, thread_id: parseInt( thread_id, 10 ) };
return '';
}).replace(/^\[post=([0-9]+)](.*)\[\/post\]$/i, function(text, thread_id, value) {
ret = { type: 'post', value: value, post_id: parseInt( thread_id, 10 ) };
return '';
}).replace(/^\[URL=\"[^"]*\/forumdisplay.php\?f=([0-9]+)"\](.*)\[\/URL\]$/i, function(text, forum_id, value) {
ret = { type: 'forum', value: value, forum_id: parseInt( forum_id, 10 ) };
return '';
}).replace(/^\[URL=\"(.+)"\](.*)\[\/URL\]$/i, function(text, url, value) {
ret = { type: 'url', value: value, url: url };
return '';
return ret;
switch ( parser || 'string' ) {
case 'string': return text;
case 'array of items':
return parse_array().map(parse_item);
case 'hash of arrays':
var ret = {};
parse_array().forEach(function(item) {
item.replace( /^\s*(.*?):\s*(.*?)\s*$/, function( text, key, values ) {
if ( !ret.hasOwnProperty(key) ) ret[key] = [];
ret[key] = ret[key].concat( values.split(/\s*,\s*/).map(parse_item) );
return ret;
throw "Please pass a known parser, not '" + parser + '"';
* @summary escape a string for use in .parse()
* @param {string} text string to escape
* @return {string} escaped output
* @description
* .parse() recursively parses keys passed to it. If you want to include a key
* that includes literal text {{between two curly brackets}}, you will need to
* escape it.
Variables.prototype.escape = function( value ) { return value.replace( /{{([^{}\n]+)}}/g, "{{($1)}}") }
* @summary get() and parse() a variable
* @param {string} namespace namespace to find the variable in
* @param {string|Array.<string>} names name(s) of variable within the namespace
* @param {Object.<string,*>=} keys keys used to instantiate the variable
* @param {string=} parser parser used for the variable ('string', 'array of items' or 'hash of arrays', default: 'string')
* @param {Number=} forum_id ID of forum to instantiate for
* @param {Number=} thread_id ID of thread to instantiate for
* @example
* v.resolve( 'policy', [ 'greeting message', 'newbie' ], { name: username }, 'string', 12, 345 );
Variables.prototype.resolve = function( namespace, names, keys, parser, forum_id, thread_id ) {
var variable = this.get(namespace, names, forum_id, thread_id);
if ( variable.error ) {
this.error_callback( variable.error, variable.resolutions );
throw variable.error;
} else {
return this.parse( variable.text, keys, parser, forum_id, thread_id );
* Suggest ways to resolve a "missing variable" error
* @abstract
* @private
* @param {Array} matching_namespaces namespace objects that could contain the variable
* @param {Array} suggested resolutions
Variables.prototype.suggest_resolutions = function( matching_namespaces ) {/*
return [
message: 'edit some thread',
href : '/showthread.php?t=1234'
* Suggest ways to resolve an error by editing it
* @param {string} namespace namespace to find the variable in
* @param {string|Array.<string>} names name(s) of variable within the namespace
* @param {Number=} forum_id ID of forum to instantiate for
* @param {Number=} thread_id ID of thread to instantiate for
Variables.prototype.suggest_resolutions_edit = function( namespace, names, forum_id, thread_id ) {
var variable = this.get( namespace, names, forum_id, thread_id );
var resolutions = this.suggest_resolutions( variable.matching_namespaces );
resolutions.forEach(function(resolution) { resolution.message = ('edit ' + variable.name).replace( / +/g, '\xA0' ) });
return resolutions;
* Build a namespace from a set of posts
* @param {Array.<Number>} posts posts to retrieve
* @param {jQuery.Promise}
Variables.prototype.posts_namespace = function( posts, names ) {
var bb = this.bb;
var variables = {};
return $.when.apply(
posts.map(function(post_id) {
return bb.post_info(post_id).then(function(info) {
bb.quotes_process(info.bbcode).forEach(function(variable) {
variables[variable.author.toLowerCase()] = variable.text;
).then(function() {
return { variables: variables, names: names.map(function(name) { return name.name + ': ' + name.language }) };
* @summary variables loaded from the first post in a thread
* @constructor
* @extends Variables
function VariablesFromFirstPost(args) {
args.default_language = 'default';
Variables.prototype.constructor.call(this, args);
VariablesFromFirstPost.prototype = Object.create(Variables.prototype);
VariablesFromFirstPost.prototype.set_namespaces = function() { this.namespaces = this.cache.namespaces }
VariablesFromFirstPost.prototype.refresh = function(args) {
var v = this;
return this.bb.thread_posts( args.thread_id, args.first_page ).then(function (posts) {
return v.posts_namespace( [ posts[0].post_id ], [{ name: args.namespace, language: 'default' }] ).then(function(namespace) { v.cache.namespaces = [namespace] });
* @summary variables loaded from a forum full of variables
* @constructor
* @extends Variables
function VariablesFromForum(args) {
Variables.prototype.constructor.call(this, args);
VariablesFromForum.prototype = Object.create(Variables.prototype);
VariablesFromForum.prototype.suggest_resolutions = function( matching_namespaces ) {
var v = this;
return matching_namespaces.map(function(namespace) {
var thread = Object.keys(v.cache.threads).filter(function(thread_id) { return v.cache.threads[thread_id].namespace.names.join(' / ') === namespace.names.join(' / ') })[0];
thread = v.cache.threads[ thread ];
return {
message: 'Add variable to ' + thread.title,
href : '/showthread.php?t=' + thread.thread_id
VariablesFromForum.prototype.set_namespaces = function() {
var threads = this.cache.threads;
var keys = Object.keys( threads || {} );
keys.sort(function(a,b) { return parseInt(a.thread_id,10) - parseInt(b.thread_id,10) });
this.namespaces = keys.map(function(key) { return threads[key].namespace });
* Get namespace associated with a thread
* @param {Object} thread thread to retrieve
* @param {HTMLElement=} first_page first page of the thread
* @return {jQuery.Promise}
* @private
VariablesFromForum.prototype.thread_namespace = function( thread, first_page ) {
var v = this;
if ( thread.replies && !first_page )
return v.posts_namespace( thread.replies, thread.names ).then(function(namespace) { thread.namespace = namespace });
return this.bb.thread_posts( thread.thread_id, first_page ).then(function (posts) {
thread.replies = posts.map(function(post) { return post.post_id });
thread.replies.shift(); // ignore the first post
return v.posts_namespace( thread.replies, thread.names ).then(function(namespace) { thread.namespace = namespace });
* @summary Refresh the list of variables
* @param {Object} args arguments passed to the constructor
* @return {jQuery.promise}
* @description downloads the variables forum and converts it to metadata
VariablesFromForum.prototype.refresh = function(args) {
var v = this;
return this.bb.forum_threads(args.forum_id).then(function(threads) {
// we cache thread modification times and reply lists to reduce the number of downloads:
var old_threads = v.cache.threads || {};
var new_threads = {};
if ( !threads.length ) return; // in case we're logged out or something
// reset namespaces:
Object.keys(old_threads).forEach(function(thread_id) { old_threads[thread_id].names = [] });
var promises = [];
threads.forEach(function(thread) {
thread.title.replace( /^([^ :]*):\s*([^:]*)$/, function( text, language, namespace ) { // thread titles should be of the form "language: namespace"
var thread_data = old_threads[thread.thread_id];
if ( !thread_data )
old_threads[thread.thread_id] = thread_data = { thread_id: thread.thread_id, last_modified: 'new', replies: [], names: [] };
if ( thread.status == 'moved' ) language += '-'; // slightly reduce the match quality for redirects
thread_data.names.push({ name: namespace, language: language });
if ( !thread.reply_count ) return; // only add unmoved threads with at least one reply
thread_data.title = thread.title;
new_threads[thread.thread_id] = thread_data;
// reload thread data
if ( thread.last_modified && thread.last_modified != thread_data.last_modified ) {
thread_data.last_modified = thread.last_modified;
switch ( thread.reply_count - thread_data.replies.length ) {
case 0 : break; // no new replies
case 1 : thread_data.replies.push(thread.last_post_id); break; // one new reply
default: delete thread_data.replies; break; // many new replies
return $.when.apply( $, promises.map(function(thread) { return v.thread_namespace(thread) }) ).then(function() {
v.cache.threads = new_threads;
return v.update_cache();
}, function() {
args.error_callback( "Could not refresh the list of variables", 'log in');
* Refresh the list of variables associated with the specified thread
* @param {Number} thread_id thread to refresh
* @param {HTMLElement=} body page for the current thread
* @param {jQuery.Promise}
VariablesFromForum.prototype.refresh_thread = function(thread_id, body) {
var v = this;
if ( this.cache.threads.hasOwnProperty(thread_id) )
return v.thread_namespace( this.cache.threads[thread_id], body ).then(function() { return v.update_cache() });
// TODO: handle this properly:
return $.Deferred().reject('thread not initialised').promise();
* Serialise a variables thread for backup/later upload
* @param {Number} thread_id thread to refresh
* @param {string} title title for the current thread
* @param {HTMLElement} body page for the current thread
* @param {jQuery.Promise}
VariablesFromForum.prototype.serialise_thread = function(thread_id, title, body) {
var post_contents = [];
var bb = this.bb;
return bb.thread_posts( thread_id, body ).then(function(posts) {
return $.when.apply( $, posts.map(function(post, index) {
if ( post.post_id != '0' && !post.is_deleted ) {
return bb.post_info(post.post_id).then(function(info) {
var root = $('<root><post></post></root>');
if ( post.title ) root.children().attr( 'title', post.title );
root.children().text( info.bbcode );
post_contents[index] = ' ' + root.html() + "\n";
.then(function() {
var root = $('<root><thread></thread></root>');
.attr( 'id' , thread_id )
.attr( 'title', title )
.html( '\n' + post_contents.filter(function(post) { return post }).join('') )
return root.html().replace(/ /g, ' ');