* @file Share a data store between users
* @author Andrew Sayers
* @description We use a third party to synchronise storage between users
* @summary Share a data store between users
* @param {Object} args store arguments
* @constructor
* @abstract
* @example
* var shared_store = new SharedStore({
* lock_url: 'http://.../...', // third-party URL to lock the store during writing
* store : function(data) {...}, // called when we want to store a new string
* retrieve: function() {...}, // called when we want to download a string
* error_callback: function(message, resolutions),
* v: v
* });
* @description Stores data in a location shared between several users.
* Most bulletin board software doesn't provide a mechanism to lock a resource
* when writing. To prevent race conditions where two users overwrite
* each other's updates, we call out to a third-party locking service.
* See /lock.rb in this repository for an example implementation.
* Note: if this string is empty, the object will work but will not protect against
* race conditions
function SharedStore(args) {
this.store = args.store;
this.retrieve = args.retrieve;
this.change_cbs = [];
this.interval_cbs = [];
this.data = '{}';
this.error_callback = args.error_callback;
this.v = args.v;
var ss = this;
this.promise = this.retrieve().then(function(data) { ss.data = data });
if ( args.lock_url ) {
this. lock = function( ) { return $.ajax({ url: args.lock_url + '/lock' , xhr: function() { return new BabelExt.XMLHttpRequest() } }) };
this. unlock = function(lock_id) { return $.ajax({ url: args.lock_url + '/unlock/' + lock_id, xhr: function() { return new BabelExt.XMLHttpRequest() } }) };
this.refresh = function(lock_id) { return $.ajax({ url: args.lock_url + '/refresh/' + lock_id, xhr: function() { return new BabelExt.XMLHttpRequest() } }) };
} else {
console.log( "Shared store lock URL not specified - writes to the shared store may overwrite other people's information!" );
this.lock = this.unlock = this.refresh = function() {
return $.Deferred().resolve('1').promise();
SharedStore.prototype.constructor = SharedStore;
SharedStore.prototype = Object.create(Object, {
lock: { writable: true, configurable: false },
unlock: { writable: true, configurable: false },
refresh: { writable: true, configurable: false },
promise: { writable: true, configurable: false },
store : { writable: true, configurable: false },
retrieve : { writable: true, configurable: false },
change_cbs: { writable: true, configurable: false },
interval_cbs: { writable: true, configurable: false },
error_callback: { writable: true, configurable: false },
v: { writable: true, configurable: false }
* @summary get the stored value
* @return {Object} stored value
* @description because this value is stored remotely, this just
* returns the cached value.
* See transaction() and change()
SharedStore.prototype.val = function() {
return JSON.parse(this.data);
// Regularly update the data
SharedStore.prototype._interval_transaction = function(callback) {
var ss = this;
this._timeout = setTimeout(function() { ss.transaction(function(){}) }, 60*1000 );
* @summary Add a callback for when the value changes, or fire a change event
* @param {function=} callback
* @param {jQuery.Promise=} retrieval callback
* @example
* ss.change(function(data) { console.log(data) }); // no return value
* ss.change().then(function(data) {...}); // also calls previous change_cbs
* The store is checked at regular intervals, and will be called whenever
* the value changes.
SharedStore.prototype.change = function(callback) {
if ( callback ) {
if ( !this._timeout ) this._interval_transaction();
} else {
var ss = this;
return this.retrieve().then(function(data) {
if ( !data || data == ss.data ) {
data = JSON.parse(data || '{}' );
} else {
data = JSON.parse(data);
ss.change_cbs.forEach(function(f) { f(data) });
return data;
* @summary transaction handlers called regularly
* @param {function} updater callback
* @example
* ss.interval_transaction(function(data) {
* data.last_active_time = new Date().getTime(); // see the 'offset' value in BulletinBoard.ping()
* return true; // data has changed, should do a write
* });
* @description Sometimes we need to write to the store regularly,
* and it's more efficient to do one big write instead of several
* small ones.
SharedStore.prototype.interval_transaction = function(updater) {
if ( !this._timeout ) this._interval_transaction();
* @summary update the value
* @param {function} updater called to update the value
* @return {jQuery.Promise} promise that succeeds when the change goes through
* @example
* ss.transaction(function(data) {
* ++data.value; // update the value
* return true; // signal that an update is needed
* }).then(function(new_data) {
* console.log( "new data" );
* });
* @description To ensure users can't overwrite each other's changes,
* we lock the store, retrieve and update the value, then store it again.
* Change callbacks might be called after the retrieve(), but will not
* be called when the update goes through.
SharedStore.prototype.transaction = function(updater) {
var ss = this;
var dfd = $.Deferred();
function babel_xhr() { return new BabelExt.XMLHttpRequest() };
var delay_count = 0;
function transact() {
var lock_timeout = new Date().getTime() + 5000;
ss.lock().then(function(lock_id) {
if ( lock_id == '0' ) { // could not lock
setTimeout( transact, ++delay_count*1000 );
} else {
var refresh_timeout, locked = true;
function unlock() {
locked = false;
if ( refresh_timeout ) clearTimeout(refresh_timeout);
$(window).off( 'unload', unlock );
$(window).on( 'unload', unlock );
function refresh() { // the lock lasts for five seconds by default, and can be refreshed for a few more seconds
refresh_timeout = null;
if ( locked ) {
lock_timeout = new Date().getTime() + 5000;
ss.refresh(lock_id).then(function(result) {
if ( locked && result == 1 )
refresh_timeout = setTimeout( refresh, 1000 );
locked = false;
}, function() {
locked = false;
ss.retrieve().then(function(data) {
if ( !locked || lock_timeout < new Date().getTime() ) {
setTimeout( transact, ++delay_count*1000 );
if ( !data || data == ss.data ) {
data = JSON.parse(data || '{}' );
} else {
ss.data = data;
data = JSON.parse(data);
ss.change_cbs.forEach(function(f) { f(data) });
var need_update = ss.interval_cbs.reduce(function (prev,update) { return update(data) ? true : prev }, updater(data) );
if ( ss._timeout ) {
clearTimeout( ss._timeout );
if ( need_update ) {
ss.store( ss.data = JSON.stringify( data ) ).then(function() {
}, function() {
} else {
}, function() {
}, function() {
'Could not lock shared store',
ss.v.resolve( 'policy', 'shared store resolutions', {}, 'array of items' ).map(function(item) {
return { message: item.value, href: item.url };
return dfd.promise();