* @file Handle a report
* @author Andrew Sayers
* @summary Handle a report
* @param {Object} args report arguments
* @constructor
* @description Reports just handle the actual report thread itself.
* Actions stemming from the report are handled elsewhere.
* @example
* var report = new Report({
* v: variables,
* bb: bulletin_board,
* thread_id: 123,
* title: 'Reported post by <name> [TID: 456] [PID: 7890] [ASSIGNED: J. Random Moderator]'
* });
function Report(args) {
if ( args.title ) {
args.title.replace( /\[PID: ([0-9]+)\]/, function(match, pid ) { args.target_post_id = parseInt( pid, 10 ) });
args.title.replace( /\[TID: ([0-9]+)\]/, function(match, tid ) { args.target_thread_id = parseInt( tid, 10 ) });
args.title.replace( /\[ASSIGNED: ([^)]+)\]/, function(match, name) { args.assigned = name });
this.v = args.v;
this.bb = args.bb;
this.title = args.title;
this.thread_id = args.thread_id;
this.target_thread_id = args.target_thread_id;
this.target_post_id = args.target_post_id;
this.assigned = args.assigned;
Report.prototype.constructor = Report;
Report.prototype = Object.create(Object, {
v : { writable: true, configurable: false },
bb: { writable: true, configurable: false },
thread_id : { writable: true, configurable: false },
target_thread_id: { writable: true, configurable: false },
target_post_id : { writable: true, configurable: false },
assigned : { writable: true, configurable: false }
* @summary Take a report thread
* @param {string} name name of the moderator who will take the thread
* @param {boolean=} thread_closed whether to open or close the thread
* This will load the thread in the current page after taking it.
Report.prototype.take = function( name, thread_closed ) {
var report = this;
var expected_title_suffix = report.v.resolve('report process', 'report title suffix', { moderator: name });
var new_title = this.title.replace(
new RegExp(
report.v.resolve('report process', 'report title suffix', { moderator: "\uE000" })
.replace(/([.*+?^${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, "\\$1") // escape special characters: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions
.replace( "\uE000", '.*?' )
+ '$'
) + expected_title_suffix;
thread_id: report.thread_id,
title: new_title,
notes: 'thread taken by ' + name,
close_thread: thread_closed
}).then(function() {
thread_id: report.thread_id,
title : report.v.resolve('report process', 'post title: take report', {}, 'string', undefined, report.thread_id ),
bbcode : report.v.resolve('report process', 'post body: take report' , {}, 'string', undefined, report.thread_id ),
url : report.bb.url_for.thread_show({ thread_id: report.thread_id, goto: 'newpost' }),
flip_thread_openness: false