Class: Action


new Action(var_args)

Manage a node and associated subset of the action graph

Name Type Description
var_args Action | Array | Object repeatable (arrays of) promises to fire
var my_action = new Action(
    'Action title', // used to make debugging data more readable
    // pass a list of promises that will be executed
        fire: function() { // called by
            return $.post(...);
        description: function() { // optional: return debugging information
            return [
                { type: "PM", target: {username: 'Joe Bloggs', user_id: 12345  } },
        blockers: function() {
            return [ 'Message describing how to resolve the thing blocking the action' ];
    // further promises will be executed in parallel:
    new Action(...),
    [ { ... }, new Action(...) ], // arrays are expanded automatically
    // ...



list of things blocking the action from firing

Type Description
Array.<string> list of blockers

fire(bb, keys){jQuery.Promise}

fire the graph of actions starting with this one

the promise will be resolved when the final action is resolved, or rejected shortly after the first action fails (ongoing requests will be allowed to finish). progress() will be called regularly with a fraction representing the completeness of the complete set of actions.
Name Type Description
bb BulletinBoard BulletinBoard
keys Object keys to pass to all actions
Type Description
jQuery.Promise promise representing the full graph of actions

fire_with_journal(bb, keys, v, thread_id, namespace, name, extra_bbs){jQuery.Promise}

call fire(), with values logged to a journal post

To improve the audit trail for large actions, you might want to record the action you're about to perform, perform the action, then record the outcome. This function posts a reply to a thread, calls .fire(), then edits the post when .fire() completes. Posts will be constructed using variables named [ name + ( ' title' or ' body' ), 'before' or 'after' ], e.g. [ name+' title', 'before' ] will be used to get the title for the "before" post.
Name Type Description
bb BulletinBoard BulletinBoard
keys Object keys to pass to all actions
v Variables object to retrieve variables from
thread_id Number thread to post the journal in
namespace string namespace to retrieve journal variables from
name name unique name of this action
extra_bbs Array.<BulletinBoard> other BulletinBoards to check before firing
Type Description
jQuery.Promise promise representing the full graph of actions


Long description of actions that will be performed (suitable for debugging use)

Type Description
string long description


add another action that will fire after this completes

This mimics jQuery's "then" API, but we currently modify the existing action instead of returning a new one. This was an implementation shortcut and might be fixed if we find a use for the full behaviour
Name Type Description
actions Action repeatable actions to add
Type Description
Action the current action


describe the graph of actions starting with this one

Type Description
Array.<string> short descriptions